Monday, March 31, 2008

Media Training: Three Reasons to (Almost) Always Stay On-The-Record

Words are heroes.

Movies pop culture as " The Insider ", books " as All the President Men " and television series including The West Wing " have " immortalized them.

" On-the-record ", " background ", " The depth " " and off-the - " record quotations are used regularly as a shorthand to represent the mysteries of journalism underworld.

In Actually, these words are not used frequently in all newsrooms, on the other hand, not & 39; Re particularly useful. Unless you are an informant or work on sensitive issues at the highest levels of government, it is almost always best to stay in the registry " ", meaning that everything you say can be published and attributed to Standard you.

As simple as this may seem basic, spokesmen regularly get coaxed into saying more than they intended. They may feel comfortable with a reporter, deciding to rely on the bad journalist, or the development of the mistaken belief that a member of the press has accepted their conditions. They often backfires, with the untimely interviewed in front of a dose of public contempt when history hits.

Here are three reasons they should (almost) always stay in place for registration:

1) Definitions Vary - Various news organizations - and within different reporters from news organizations - define terms such as " background " " and off-the-record " differently. A simple Internet search reveals the problem - some news organizations, off-the-record means the reporter can not even mention his interview his mother, and the other, it means that your comments can be printed anonymously with the corroboration of Another source something. Without shared agreement on what the terms mean even, according to an interview as something more than the record is a crapshoot.

2) Agreement Breeds Confusion - In 2002, Washington Post reporter interviewed Sally Squires Gary Taubes, an author he had written a controversial article in The New York Times Magazine difficult the traditional concept on the role of dietary fat in weight gain. Before agreeing to the interview, Taubes who have insisted that the final approval of his appointment before they are allowed to run - in other words, that his remarks were off-the-record until further notice. Mrs Squires agree - or so we thought - so he was shocked and embarrassed when his comments were printed too frank. Far from being unusual, the ambiguity of the agreements between the journalist and the source often leads to bad expectations.

3) " Official " Interviews Not Exist - Many of the interviewees think they are in the registry for the & ; quot; " official interview, but outside - Record before and after. In fact, everything said in the presence of a reporter is citable, including those delivered outside of the comments made in last night& 39;s dinner party.

In August 1984, for example, President Ronald Reagan famously backed into a microphone for a sound check just before In his weekly radio address. Joking with those who gathered around the room, Reagan joked " My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you that I have just signed legislation prohibiting Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes ".

Even although the comments were not broadcast live, the microphone was on the network news and two engravings. They almost immediately broadcast the comments, which is seen clearly newsworthy, in the midst of the cold War.

The incident provoked international outrage, with the government of West Germany pouncing on the comments of Reagan as a sign of their evil will.

White House Spokesman Larry Speakes claimed that the news organizations acted irresponsibly as any comment before the official radio address was " off-the-record ". However, given that the journalists did not agree to the condition that beforehand, he had every right to be air it.

To Sure, occasionally there is good reason to abandon the security of a control over the registration of the conversation. Cases of corruption or fraud, for example, can be leaked to a reporter in an attempt to hold public officials or executives responsible. But do yourself a favor. If it is clear from the rules or not familiar with the reporter, get a professional opinion before proceeding. It could save your " off-the-record " appearing in the comments tomorrow front page.

Brad Phillips is the founder and president of Phillips Media Relations ( He was a journalist for ABC News and CNN, and also headed the department of media relations for the environmental group the second largest in the world. neil vangogh

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Is YOUR Home A Death Trap?

YOUR Home is a death trap?
Keeping our own houses and beautiful is a priority for most of us & 39;. And we all know that the fact d & 39; be clean keeps us healthy. But is it really? If you d & 39; asthma suffer, suffer from headaches, cancer, suffer d & 39; rash, or have nosebleeds? These are just some of the problems that we ourselves can " Conservation of Clean house. & Quot;
Glass Cleaner, general cleaning and disinfectant are some of the cleaners, l &; 39; ammonia, which is also known as chloride, ammonium & 39;, & amp; 39; ld & 39; ammonium hydroxide, benzalkonium chloride and quatemary d & 39; ammonium compounds, for themselves. & 39; What is what & 39; ammonia? It is an irritant, which is on the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and is very toxic by inhalation of vapours & 39; concentrated. The fact d & 39; exposed time and again that they & 39; can lead to bronchitis and pneumonia. It can cause burns, the Star and the damage and the cornea has been shown to produce cancer, the skin!
Akyl phenoxy ethanol Polyethoxy & 39; s (nonylphenol, nonylphenol ethoxylate) are also in all purpose and purificateurs d & 39; air. They were related to the chronic health problems. Chronicle constant or recurring funds. They were also known as endocrine disrupters, or gland! Certainly not good for us!
A neurotoxin skin irritant and causes an injury to the central nervous system can be found in the furniture polish!
What on the disinfection of hands know, cleaning agents for dishwashers, cleaning and disinfectant? Benzalkonium chloride is in these and & 39; widely used in the original & 39; new strains of bacteria, which have a negative effect on the organisms living! C & 39; is us!
Benzene is a carcinogen that is through the skin. It irritates the mucous membranes and it is poisonous when it & 39; eingenommen. Also l & 39; to be toxic fumes. Where is it found? Cleaner for the furnace, washing, polishing furniture and spot removers to name a few.
Here is that the fear m & 39; more! Chlorine! He has many names more and more too. C & 39; is a powerful irritant and can be fatal when inhaled & 39;. In the USA, this toxic substance causes, most households and poisoning, the first in the industry & 39; of injuries and deaths. In addition, there is increasingly clear that the Chlorung & 39; drinking water caused the urinary bladder and rectum cancer! And chlorine compounds are harmful to the environment & 39;, is the first cause of the loss of ozone & 39 l air, and is listed in the years 1990 Clean Air Act as an air pollutant dangerous. Have we prohibits its use? NO! We find in the domestic waste cleaning products, including detergents for dishwasher, tub and tile cleaners and more.
I could go on and how our cleaning agents harmful. No wonder that all of us, the allergies and other diseases & 39;! Let us cease to clean our houses? Of course not! But we can choose the & 39; use without risk of products for the purification and enter. Our houses are cleaner and safer, if we allow these products! Natural Living By Choice / a & gt; sharla melodee

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Perfect your Presentations with Mind Mapping.

C & 39; is a far too common procedure for the preparation of the speakers to lectures, with a few pages of notes from linear rates. They are in & 39; behind the grandstand and begin to read, in the hope that they & 39; audience to " note ". They drone on monotonously at a pace so that their audience to copy their words. The shoulders declining state and trucks are increasingly visible. This method is all well? No, the words are not worth nothing to help, to understand and to remember. Not only are they boring, but they are not the kind of course the brain fluid. Presentations need for the dissemination of information in a form that is easily digested by the brain. The most effective means for the submission of keywords, images, colors, rhythms visually, the connections and associations. These aspects are crucial for triggering the & 39; imagination, a key in the & 39; learning. But how can we achieve that in a presentation?
Mind cards are ideal for structuring and organizing & 39;: It is important that you Mind Map of the essential facts in your presentation, before you start, to concentrate on the topic. Mind Maps are for the structure and organization & 39; current ideas and plans d & 39, a memorable to others. Everything d & 39; First, you need to know who your audience is and what & 39, it does not take you that your presentation. Your Mind Map can also industries such as the " " case studies, analysis " ", " L & 39; inspiration ", " understand & quot ; etc. & 39; help of & 39; spirit of this card you are in a position to turn the key words and ideas into a coherent whole, to ensure that you use the data to save or the ideas, views, which in the presentation. Make sure your image contains the central theme, while the sectors represented are the topics of discussion. With a Mind Map, you find your role in a broader context is clear, and it is easier to & 39; hold about you that your thoughts are less likely to migrate to a wide tangent.
Be Bold -- -- The images and colors: In your presentation, you must images, colors, icons, etc. c & 39; l & 39; is one of the most effective ways to change your opinion l & amp , 39; scale. The visual stimuli, the presentation more dynamic and interesting. A long list of information & 39; boring can be in color, memorable, very organized, charts, which naturally your brain to think and d & 39; The synergies thoughts. So in your Mind Map a part & 39; thoughts and ideas to make your presentation more playful, interactive and memorable for your audience. In & 39; forge, one blacksmith, it is important that one of the branches & 39; your Mind Map should focus on the practice you believe, to ensure that it no longer have & ; amp; 39;, your time. You can also use the Mind Map d & 39; reserve the amount of time you want for each topic.
How software can you help?: With computers, the presentations were even easier with & 39; Help l & 39; condition of the & 39; visual arts. With Mind-mapping software available, as Tony Buzan & 39; n iMindMap, computer Mind Maps can to PowerPoint. They must not make the mistake to believe that the use of & 39; PowerPoint means simply, a linear list of sentences and phrases, does it not, to your audience interested and capable & d 39; learn. L & 39; interaction with the public is another important aspect for the success of the presentation. This can be achieved by the introduction of the card, psychological your data with your audience and calling, your ideas and thoughts on the map. If not, encourage your participant notes in the form of treasury Mind Maps on your presentation. This requires l & 39; audience to think that they themselves and & 39; promote the active participation, so that the audience rather the most out of your presentation. Mind Maps, the participants, from the linear & 39; tradition of data and helps to absorb associations and & 39 d & 39; more information should now effectively.
You be ready to begin discomfort, an unusual presentation, the right luck.
http: / / www.imindmap. Com elane dahlia

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Workplace Conflict - The Five W s for Intervention

" All my time to deal with the problem. That& 39;s my job. However, this one is a mess. Or maybe I do it and how to deal with something that is not easy if it& 39;s going to get ugly! "
jocelyn (her real name) is the vice president of human resources, mid-size manufacturing companies are concerned about the situation in one of their plants. That was the first time. She had been called to the plant in the past year several times. But this is bigger.
one manager, and in the process, two employees from removing position. JOSURINMANEJA had been working to make sure that appropriate action had he continued to back up his claim with documents. She then received a notice yesterday from the two lawyers to represent employees in the same claims and verbal and physical abuse from the manager. Today she& 39;s received e-mail from unsolicited some other plant employees, have to support these claims of abuse. Several managers of the other plants in her call, she was notified of the problem brewing know. Now president of the wind, and demanded " rumblings " had problems Joslin & quot; a runaway & quot; said.
tempers burning, but the situation is escalating, more people are involved in the crisis was the possibility of imminent out completely. However, Joslin is not sure what to do down and not to add fuel to calm fire.
unfortunately, Jocelyn indecision of the company& 39;s costs in a number of ways. Continuing the escalation of tension in the plant, the main jeers and even some physical confrontation. I started taking all aspects. Trust employees to talk to their lack of control. Managers are busy assigning blame and denied involvement. Negative work environment, demand and secrecy. Is a serious production capacity downturn.
the take quick, clear, decisive action is a serious situation, somebody& 39;s skills are extremely important for the company as Joslin who is the problem is a crisis responsibility to deal with. The company plans to have or need to analyze these situations and a framework for the effective and efficient manner to intervene. Knowing how to manage the crisis in the world& 39;s most essential skills in the workplace your workplace today.
is situation there is a need to intervene? I do not know where to start or what? Considering these five questions:
why? All the time problems arise. They solve your own, do not they? Unfortunately, the answer is no. In fact, left unresolved the issue of the proliferation of conflicts. And the conflict when displayed, but they take an enormous amount of time and employee attention. Sometimes it is, the original problem is the ripple effect that is very debilitating. When problems occur, people& 39;s ability to affect their focus on the work, you& 39;ve got intervene.
when? Timing can be important in intervention. Hesitation can be seen as covering up a lack of leadership in the operation. If you do not want a further escalation is the time to intervene is always now.
where? As the conflict escalated, SAIDOSUPINAUTO be able to control the problem. But intervention unless the fundamental causes of the situation and to obtain and not just their side of the issue. For example, the employee accused of offensive behavior by the individual& 39;s specific need to be dealt with immediately. Instituting a company-wide training program to solve it is not respectful situation.
what workplace? Intervene, and to take various forms in different interveners may use the name for the job. Called mediation whether the facilitation of the dialogue, problem-solving, team-building and direct intervention to check the relevance of the fundamental causes of the problem (s) is that it involved all stakeholders address is feasible and can result in long-term solutions.
who? Intervention is most successful when a neutral third party leader is not the result of vested interests. And it is seen as important, the arbitrator is reliable, intelligent, positive and build a relationship of trust parties.
is all disputes about the explosion in the workplace? 5 watts and consider intervene.
for ongoing information on the handling of the conflict in the workplace tips and advice, check out a free newsletter and gayle nabil alf quincy

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