Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Getting Started With Your Online Business: Creating a Business Plan

You re anxious to get started. You have a great idea for a profitable online business. Maybe it is an original idea that has not been marketed online before or maybe you have come up with a new spin on the ordinary. Whatever it is that has influenced you to start your online business, be sure that you have a plan before you begin. Don t get ahead of yourself. This is not the time to pick it up as you go . Here are some basic things that should be included in your business plan.
The business summary should give a brief description of the entire business and is an integral part of the overall business plan. After you have completed the business summary you should begin to list the objectives or the goals that you want to accomplish through the business. Next and perhaps most importantly, you should develop your marketing plan. The marketing plan will address all the specifics of the business. When developing the marketing strategy you should consider the following:
The target market. The target market is the customers that you expect to see visiting your site. For example will your product be more appealing to college students or those who are in retirement? Knowing who your target market is will help you develop your marketing strategies and influence where you will advertise.
Consider the competition for your product when determining the marketing strategy. Choose a product that will be seen as unique and useful. Visit sites that are offering the same or similar products. Find out the cost, and how they are marketing their product. Find out the pros and cons of their business and try to improve your product based on their flaws.
Research the various methods for advertising online and offline. You should become educated about search engines and how they work since each one is different. Be sure that you know how to submit your site to search engines. Also familiarize yourself with traffic exchanges, ezines, and pay per click advertising. Although there are plenty of free advertising methods, you should be prepared to spend a fair amount of money on advertising. Done correctly, this will be money well spent. Offline advertising can be anything from putting flyers on car windshields to hosting a party.
Think about pricing. Again, look at the competition and see what similar products are selling for. Pricing can play a big role in the success of your product since selling a product well below the average price may lead customesr to think that there is a problem with the product or that it is not of the best quality. However, pricing items too high could also detour customers. Decide what your guarantee and return policy will be. If you will take returns but will not refund shipping and handling charges this needs to be stated. Try and think of every scenario of why somebody would want to return your product and cover yourself with clear explanations of your return policy. Having a return policy in place will save you a lot of headaches in the long run.
Determine the shipping method. Be sure that you know how products will be shipped so that you can have shipping details clearly posted on your site. Decide if you are going to charge a flat rate or if you will charge based on your customer s zip code. If you are shipping things of great value, you will want to include shipping insurance. Also think about shipping outside of the country that you live in.Your customer base will be significantly larger if you ship out of your home country. Don t forget to consider adding a handling charge to your shipping charges. How much does it cost you to sell your product and get it shipped?
Think about the different methods of payment that you will accept. If your business does not accept credit cards, you should be ready to give up half if not more of your sales. If you decide to accept credit cards will you use a merchant account or will you use a third party credit card processing center? Both will help you get started and the third party processing center will handle all of the business so you don t have to. You should decide which you will use and also if you will accept checks or money orders. It is essential to have a secure server when taking credit cards.
These few things will help your online business to become a great success and also provide you with peace of mind knowing that you have thoroughly thought about and planned for the opening of your online business.
Copyright Vicki Szeremeta
Vicki Szeremeta is the owner of Work at Home Ideas and Opportunities , a Work at Home Directory website. She is dedicated to helping people find work at home or start an affordable home based business. To read more articles and get great tips and resources, visit her blogs at Vicki s Home Biz Blog and Home Biz Connections Note: This article may be reprinted in its entirety as long as my name and bio are included.

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